Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Tecnologie dei Materiali
Materials Technology
Valeria Corinaldesi

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 6
Hours 48
Period II
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide the student with knowledge of the main characteristics of metals, polymers and ceramics, and of the correlations between mechanical properties and material structure.

The solid state: crystal structures and identification of crystalline and non-crystalline solids with reference to metals and polymers. Lattice defects: point and line defects . Notes on atomic diffusion in solids. Phase diagrams: definitions and basic concepts . Diagram Fe -C phase transformations; quality and quantity of the phases ; microstructure and microstructural analysis of the most common ferrous alloys. Phase diagrams of the most common metal alloys. Mechanical properties of metallic materials: elastic and plastic deformation , stress and deformation in metals; curves stress / strain; concepts of ductility, brittleness, hardness and resilience . Main classes of metallic materials (carbon and stainless steels, aluminum alloys , copper alloys ) their classification, properties and main uses. Fundamentals of polymeric materials. Identification of functional groups , the main polymerization techniques in reference to the materials of the main technological and commercial interest . Illustration of the concept of average molecular weight, the average degree of polymerization and the glass transition . Distinction between crystalline and amorphous materials . Mechanical properties of polymers with particular reference to the tensile test. Work on ceramic materials and their mechanical properties. Classification of traditional ceramic materials and innovative and their crystal structure. Structure of silicates and basic concepts on clays and clay minerals. Mechanical properties: bending test in relation to the tensile strength. Outline of glassy materials . Degradation of materials. Introduction to corrosion of metallic materials : theoretical and practical nobility of metals; Pourbaix diagrams, active and passive behavior of metallic materials; signs of typical forms of corrosion.

Development of the examination
The assessment of student learning consists of two tests: - A written test, consisting in the solution of some exercises and some theoretical questions, for a total of 5-6 problems that will focus on topics covered in the course. The written test will be completed in two hours. - An oral test, consisting in the discussion of one or more topics covered in the course. During the oral test it will also be discussed the performance gaps found in the written test. The written test is preparatory for the oral exam and for accessing to it, the student must have obtained at least a pass in the written test. The oral examination must be taken in the same session of the written test. In case of failure of the oral exam, the student will have to repeat the written test.

To successfully pass the whole examination, the student must demonstrate, by means of the tests described above, to have an overall knowledge of the topics covered during the course. The highest points are achieved by demonstrating an exhaustive understanding of the course contents and the ability to relate the material properties with their structure.

For each of the tests specified before, it is assigned a mark between zero and thirty. The final mark, related to thirty, is the average of the marks obtained in the two tests, with the approximation by excess to the upper integer.

In order to obtain an overall positive evaluation, the student must achieve at least a pass, amounting to eighteen points in each of the tests described above. Full marks with distinction is given to students who, having done all the tests correctly, have demonstrated a complete knowledge of the course topics.

Recommended reading
D. Callister, Scienza e ingegneria dei materiali, una introduzione, EdiSES W.F. Smith, J. Hashemi ”Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali”, McGraw-Hill;

  • Ingegneria Meccanica (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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