Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Programmazione e Controllo della Produzione
Archimede Forcellese

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG

Knowledge of manufacturing processes and most used production systems in the modern manufacturing industry is required.

Learning outcomes
The course enables students to acquire advanced knowledge on all the necessary activities to realize the planning and control of manufacturing production. This knowledge, by integrating the knowledge gained in the teachings of technologies and manufacturing systems, industrial equipment and industrial logistics, will form the insights that will enrich the knowledge of the main management policies of the production and for production planning tools in the medium/long term , so that the student acquires a clear awareness of the wider multidisciplinary context of engineering.
In order to address advanced design themes, even of considerable complexity, and treat the innovation and development of new products, new technological processes and production systems through the application of knowledge, the student will be able to develop production plans for the medium and long term. This ability is expressed through a number of vocational skills, such as: 1) the ability to schedule production using aggregate and detailed planning methods of the products, materials and production capacity, and 2) the ability to use innovative techniques for the production control in order to ensure the smooth flow of production.
The resolution of individual and group exercises in classroom will help to improve both the learning skills autonomously and the degree of independent judgment, both the communication skills that also stems from teamwork.

GENERAL ASPECTS OF MANUFACTURING. Role and evolution of manufacturing, technical and management functions, planning and production control, decision making process. DEMAND MANAGEMENT. General aspects, techniques of demand forecasting, qualitative method, quantitative methods (casual and time series models), application cases. INDEPENDENT DEMAND MATERIAL MANAGEMENT. The role of the stocks, stock accounting systems, classification methods, inventory costs, models for management of continuous and independent demand materials (fixed order quantity and fixed order interval models). AGGREGATE PRODUCTION PLANNING. Fundamental aspects, aims, aggregate production planning process, quantitative models, disaggregation, application cases. MASTER PRODUCTION SCHEDULING. Definitions, ATP stocks calculation, reviewing of MPS, application cases. MATERIAL REQUIREMENT PLANNING. MRP systems, input/output of MRP, processing of MRP plans, MRP update, uncertainty management in MRP, lot sizing, nervousness of MRP systems, application cases. CAPACITY PLANNING. General aspects, techniques of capacity planning, input/output control, application cases. PRODUCTION ACTIVITY CONTROL. Production activity control systems, shop floor order, resources to be allocated, main activities of the shop floor control, dispatching approaches, sequencing rules, application cases.

Development of the examination
The exam consists in written and oral tests. In the written one, the student must answer four questions chosen among the topics of the course. It will also be required to solve practical cases related to simple problems. The oral exam will prove the level of knowledge showed in the written test.

The student has to be able to autonomously deal with the application of the main models, metedologies and tools used in the production planning and control activities in the manufacturing industries. Aspects, such as the mastery of technical language and clarity of exposition, will also be assessed. Finally, the ability to properly use the acquired knowledge in solving simple problems must be proven.

The ability to independently deal with the topics of the course by applying the models, methods and tools of the production planning and control activities, the clarity of exposition, the mastery of technical language are evaulated.

The final grade will be assigned considering the evaluation obtained in both tests.The minimum score, equal to eighteen points, will be achieved by the students who demonstrate sufficient capacity to answer to all the questions raised. The maximum grade, equal to thirty points with honors, will be given to students who have proven full mastery of the topics, exposed in full autonomy and with appropriate technical language.

Recommended reading
F. Gabrielli, “Appunti di Programmazione e Controllo della Produzione“, Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, 2006. Slides of the lectures uploaded to the Moodle platform of the Polytechnic University of Marche.

  • Ingegneria Gestionale (Corso di Laurea Triennale Fuori Sede (DM 270/04))

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
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