Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Disegno Meccanico (A/L)
Mechanical Drawing
Ferruccio Mandorli

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
the course allows the students to acquire the necessary knowledge in order to read and execute mechanical drawings of components, groups and assemblies according to the technical drawing standards. These skills, which will be integrated with notions acquired in the course of metallurgy, machine design, applied mechanics and mechanic technology courses, will offer the student the possibility to become aware of the multidisciplinary nature of engineering, thanks also to specific references to aspects specifically related with production systems and technologies, the design of machineries and mechanical systems. The students will also acquire the ability to use the appropriate technical language of mechanical drawing
For the purpose of addressing the design and productive issues through the implementation of the acquired skills, the student will have to be able to summarise and represent the results of the design activity using appropriate and updated methods, techniques and tools. This ability will be acquired through a series of professional skills such as: the ability to execute, according to the standards, dimensioned sketches of components and simple assemblies, the ability to read mechanical drawings of components, groups or assemblies interpreting in a correct and comprehensive way the orthogonal views, the dimension indications, the dimensional and geometrical tolerance indications, the rugosity indications and the indications listed in the legend box and bill of components.
In their professional activity, especially in the industrial sector, engineers, need to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to other technical interlocutors; a significant part of this information is graphic information and it needs the application of rigorous methods for its representation. The objective of the practical exercises is to learn to execute freehand sketches and to develop technical communication skills.

Role of mechanical drawing in the desing/prodcution process, regulation and standardization, representation methods, orthogonal projections, sections, notes on processes and materials, roughness, dimensioning, dimensional tolerances, threading and threaded entities, connections, guides and joints, mechanical transmissions.

Development of the examination
The evaluation of the level of understanding of the students is done with a written and an oral exam: the written exam is a graphic test eventually integrated with additional questions; the objective of the graphic test is to make the sketch of a mechanical component that is part of a larger assembly drawing, given as reference. During the oral examination, the student will be asked to answer to questions related to the graphic test or about some of the topics of the course.

The mark of the written exam is determined by taking into account the following criteria: coherence of the drawing in respect to the assigned test; correctness of the geometric representation as well as the dimensional specifications. The mark of the oral exam is determined by taking into account the following criteria: knowledge about the standards; competency in the use and interpretation of the mechanical drawing rules. In order to pass the exam, the student must demonstrate that he/she learned the syntactic and semantic rules that define the graphic language of the mechanical drawing and that he/she has developed the competency required to correctly draw and read the mechanical drawing of a component or a small assembly.

The grading scale is from 1 to 30. In order to get the minimum sufficient mark to pass the exam (i.e. 18/30), the student must get at least 18/30 for the written exam and he/she must answer in a sufficient way during the oral examination, in order to demonstrate that he/she has acquired a sufficient capability in drawing and reading mechanical drawings of simple components and assembly. The maximum mark (i.e. 30/30 cum laude) can be obtained by performing a very accurate written exam and by demonstrating a deep knowledge of the topics of the course.

The final mark is computed starting from the mark of the written exam and by adding or subtracting a maximum of 4 points, depending of the answers provided during the oral exam.

Recommended reading
E. Chirone, S. Tornincasa: "Disegno Tecnico Industriale", Vol 1-2, Edizioni il Capitello. M. Carfagni, L. Governi, R. Furferi, Y. Volpe: "Esercizi di disegno meccanico", Zanichelli. G. Manfè, R. Pozza, G. Scarato: "Disegno Meccanico", Vol 2 e 3, Principato Editore. Norme ISO, EN, UNI per il Disegno Tecnico. Documents handed out during the course and material available on the eLearning platform (https://lms.univpm.it)

  • Ingegneria Meccanica (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427