Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Meccanica delle Macchine
Machine Mechanics
Massimo Callegari

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG

Basic knowledge on the principles of mechanics

Learning outcomes
Students will be able to understand the principles underlying the operation of machines and production systems, also aiming at their management and maintenance. The tools and methodologies for modeling and simulation of machines and mechanical systems. will be introduced too.
Carrying out simple exercises in the classroom and the assignment of a team work will allow students to improve their capacity to apply the acquired skills to the modeling and the study of simple machines and mechanical systems.
The team work will develop students’ ability to work in group for the modeling and the development of engineering activities and to report on them. Communication skills will be tested during the final exam.

FUNDAMENTALS OF MECHANICS • Kinematics of mechanical systems: joints, kinematic chains and mechanisms • Contact mechanics: friction and dissipative phenomena; wear; shocks • Static equilibrium of structures and mechanisms: reticular structures; internal actions • Energy and work; Efficiency of the machines; • Mechanical vibrations MECHANICAL COMPONENTS • Journal and rolling bearings; screws • Power transmissions: gears, belts, couplings and chains • Brakes; lifting machines. • Cams, linkages and indexing machines ELEMENTS OF MECHATRONICS • Electromechanical actuators. Fluid actuators. Mini-actuators • Generation of linear motion • Static characteristics; Choice of drive and transmission. SIMULATION OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS • Use of simulation tools for the analysis of mechanical systems • Modeling and analysis of simple mechanisms using commercial CAD tools

Development of the examination
The level of student learning is evaluated by an oral examination, which consists of the discussion on one or more topics covered in class; students can present a topic of their choice, previously agreed with the teacher, addressed through the use of a tool for dynamic simulation

To successfully pass the examination, the student must demonstrate to understand the basic concepts of machine mechanics and in particular that it has acquired the basic knowledge on kinematics, statics and dynamics of the most important machines and mechanisms (joints, gears, brakes and belts). The assignment of the final grade takes into account the knowledge gained on all matters of the class.

For each of the two parts indicated before (oral discussion and presentation of a simulation study) is assigned a score between 0 and 30: 0 corresponds to a study not developed or a question not answered; score 18 corresponds to a topic just sufficiently treated; score 30 is awarded to students who demonstrate a particular brilliance in the oral presentation or in the presentation of the case study; intermediate marks are allocated accordingly

n order to have an overall positive evaluation of the examination, the student must achieve at least 16 points (out of 30), in each of the two tests described above and at least 18 points (out of 30 ) in the averaged evaluation. The overall grade is given by the weighted average of the marks obtained in the two tests; the weight given to the oral test is twice as much the one of the simulation study.

Recommended reading
• Callegari, Fanghella e Pellicano: ”Meccanica Applicata alle Macchine”, Città Studi, 2013. • Bernasconi, Filippini, Giglio, Lo Conte, Petrone, Sangirardi. Fondamenti di Costruzione di Macchine, McGraw-Hill, 2002. • Nordman, Birkhofer. Elementi di macchine e meccatronica. McGraw-Hill, 2006

  • Ingegneria Gestionale (Corso di Laurea Triennale Fuori Sede (DM 270/04))

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