Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Meccanica Applicata alle Macchine
Machine Mechanics
Massimo Callegari

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG

Basic knowledge on mechanics, geometry and calculus

Learning outcomes
The course explains the principles that underlie the operation of machinery and describes the most important mechanisms used in industrial applications. The course gives a basic engineering education in the industrial field and the student achieves a basic technical training in mechanics of machines. Such knowledge will be useful for the young graduates to interface with specialists of other engineering fields
Through the application of the technical knowledge acquired in the class, students will be able to approach the study of the main subjects of machines mechanics, with particular reference to the kinematic, statics and dynamics analysis of machines and of simple mechanical systems. Furthermore, the student will develop the ability to recognize the most important types of mechanical components and to understand the fundamental aspects of their exercise.
The analytical nature of the most frequent problems in machine mechanics allows the student to develop an aptitude for logical reasoning firmly based on the scientific method, mainly due to the methodological rigor of the subject, as well as to train the ability to concentrate

Kinematics pairs and mechanisms Contact forces and friction Kinematics of planar linkages Statics of mechanisms Dynamics of mechanical systems Mechanical vibrations Mechanics of kinematics pairs Gearings Power transmissions Clutches, brakes and lifting machinery

Development of the examination
The learning achievements of the students are evaluated in two parts, to be undertaken in the same session: - A written test, consisting of the solution of one or two exercises on problems related to the kinematic, static or dynamic analysis of simple mechanical systems; one or two hours are assigned for the solution, depending on the difficulty, and students can consult books or personal teaching materials; - An oral exam, consisting of the exposure of two or more subjects regarding mechanisms or the fundamentals of machines mechanics. During the course of the lectures it is possible to participate in course tests (two partial tests) which, if both positively overcome, allow direct access to the oral session until July included. The delivery of a written test in any examination session cancels the validity of these tests. If the student does not overcome one of the two partial tests or he/she is not satisfied with the result, the test can be recovered at the first written session after the end of classes.

To successfully pass the exam, the student must demonstrate, through the tests described above, having understood the basic concepts of the class and especially to have acquired the basic skills of the kinematics, statics and dynamics of machines (including vibrations) and of the most important mechanisms (kinematics pairs, gears, brakes and lifting machinery). The assignment of the final rating takes into account the knowledge of all the teaching topics, including mechanisms and machines described in the class. The highest rating is achieved by demonstrating a thorough understanding of teaching content in the context of the written and oral tests. Praise is reserved for students who, having done all the tests correctly and completely, present clearly a topic of their own choice on the mechanical subjects treated in Chapter 14 of the textbook.

A score between 0 and 30 is assigned to each of the tests indicated above (written, oral or partial tests): the score 0 corresponds to an exercise not performed or a question unanswered; the score 18 corresponds to a topic treated in a just sufficient way; the score 30 is given to students who demonstrate a particular brilliance in the oral presentation or in the preparation of the written part; intermediate scores are assigned accordingly

In order to achieve a positive overall evaluation, the student must achieve at least 16 points (out of 30) in both the oral and written test and at least 18 points (out of 30) in the overall evaluation. The overall grade, out of thirty, is given by the weighted average of the marks obtained in the two tests, with rounding to the integer; the weight given to oral test is double that of the written test. With regard to the partial tests, each of them must be overcome by a vote of at least 16/30 in which case the student is admitted to the oral with a written vote equal to the average of the results achieved in the partial tests.

Recommended reading
Callegari, Fanghella e Pellicano: ”Meccanica Applicata alle Macchine”, Città Studi, 2013

  • Ingegneria Meccanica (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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