Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Gestione dei Sistemi Energetici
Energy Systems Management
Flavio Caresana

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG

basics of physics, mathematics and chemistry

Learning outcomes
The course gives the student the basic skills for understanding energy conversion processes. Such knowledge adds to that of mechanics and thermodynamics and will give the student competence on the main energy conversion technologies, so that he will command the tools and the methodologies needed to solve the energy and environmental issues of a company.
Within the general aim of giving the student the ability to use the fundamental laws of mechanics, chemistry, thermodynamics and electromagnetism for design or analysis purposes, the course will in particular provide the tools needed to analyze, understand and characterize, from the cost and environmental impact points of view, the energy systems, with particular attention to those employed in industries. This ability will involve a number of professional skills, such as: 1. the ability to recognize and properly use the typical symbolism of energy conversion plants 2. the ability to properly analyze the operation of civil and industry energy systems and assess their performance; 3. the ability to commend the tools needed for the selection and management of energy systems.
Teamwork problem solving exercises involving energy conversion systems, and finalized in a report, will help improving the student’s autonomous judgment, his communication skills and his learning and conclusion drawing abilities.

basics:conservation of mass, first law of thermodynamics, generalized Bernoulli equation, second law of thermodynamics, ideal gases and their main transformations, combustion heat exchangers:global heat transfer coefficient, logarithmic mean temperature difference method, efficiency steam power plants:steam, Carnot cycle, Rankine cycle, Hirn cycle, reheat cycles, regenerative cycles, steam boiler gas turbine power plants:Brayton cycle, performance combined cycle power plants :operating principle, performance cogeneration:definition, indicators, high efficiency cogeneration pollutant emissions:types of pollutants, measurement units energy markets: basics on the energy market in Italy and the incentives for energy efficiency

Development of the examination
the exam procedure consists in an oral examination, during the examination the student may present a written work on a topic chosen in agreement with the lecturer.

the evaluation consists in verifing the student's knowledge on the basic concepts connected with the operation of the energy systems addressed in the course. The student will be required to critically apply the thermodinamical models learnt in the course in order to verify his depth of knowledge in the sector. During the oral examination the student will be required to solve simple problems to validate his knowledge of the units and the order of magnitude of the main parameters related.

The student knowledge is graded through the attribution of a final mark out of thirty. The passing score is 18/30, the highest score is 30/30, brilliant students may receive in addition a praise.

The outcome of the evaluation is positive if the student proves to have knowledge of all the basic subjects covered in the course. The highest score is achieved by demonstrating in-depth knowledge of the course contents. Praise is given to students who are particularlly brilliant in exposure and/or demonstrat particular mastery of the matters treated in the course, being able to analyze topics not explicitly covered or to treat standard topics in alternative ways.

Recommended reading
- lecturer's notes - Cavallini, Mattarolo, “Termodinamica Applicata“, CLEUP - Negri di Montenegro, Bianchi, Peretto, “Sistemi energetici e macchine a fluido. Vol. 1“, Pitagora Editrice

  • Ingegneria Gestionale (Corso di Laurea Triennale Fuori Sede (DM 270/04))

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
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