Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Rilievo dell'Architettura (EA)
Survey of Architecture EA
Paolo Clini

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 90
Period E/1s-2s
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course enables students to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of surveying in the context of modern and historic architecture and urban planning. It will combine what has been learnt from courses in Design and in History with further insights, so broadening their understanding of the areas of surveying and information recording. Students will gain a clear awareness of the issues surrounding morphometry and artefactsÂ’ states of decay and composition, with specific reference to the most advanced technological applications available for digital data recording, in order that they gain the knowledge necessary for taking care of properties and for any possible restoration projects.
Students must learn to identify the best survey methods and the most appropriate technologies to employ on any proposed project and they must know how to use them, at least in simple cases. This is to enable them to apply this knowledge when tackling advanced design themes, including those of a very complex nature; they should also be able apply the knowledge for the purposes of innovation and for developing new products and technological processes. This will be expressed through the development of a mixture of both organisational and professional skills, including: 1. the ability to choose the correct survey methods and the correct technologies suitable for their project; 2. the ability to carry out direct, laser and photogrammetric survey operations, working individually or as part of a group; 3. the ability to interpret the results produced when carrying out a survey and digital recording process for an architectural / artistic / urban artefact and to communicate them, by working as a team with the others involved.
There will be some practical exercises which will apply the knowledge gained to specific case studies; these will be undertaken in groups and will involve the drawing up of survey documentation. This will help to improve studentsÂ’ general levels of independent judgement, their ability to communicate (particularly when working in groups), their capacity for independent learning and their ability to draw conclusions.

ABasic notions of architectural and urban Survey; general characters of the history of architectural survey Theoretical and analytical foundations of Survey, measurement theory; Methods and tools for the direct, instrumental and photogrammetric survey; Survey methods by direct scanning; The spherical photogrammetry for the survey and documentation of the architecture; Catalogue of architectural heritage; Applications and experiences of survey From survey to communication and musealization of the architecture, virtual reality applications.A group for the survey of an architectural artefact will be carried out during the course. This work will be collected in the form of graphic works. The exam will consist of the evaluation of this work and of the theoretical teaching.;

Development of the examination
The exam consists of an oral part and of the presentation and discussion, still oral, of the monographic Architectural Survey conducted in teams during the year.

The exam consists of an oral test on the course topics and of a discussion on laboratory activity. Each student will also be asked to carry out an in-depth activity by producing an incisive personal interpretation, still oral, on one of the topics covered in class.

The final mark is expressed in thirties

he final mark results from an average of the mark allocated to the theme of the year (teamwork) and of the mark awarded for the oral test. Top marks are awarded when thorough knowledge of the contents and good self-critical interpretation of the same are proven. Students that, in addition to achieving top marks, demonstrate to fully master the subject, together with the adequate language register, are eligible for laude.

Recommended reading
Mario Docci, Diego Maestri, Manuale di rilevamento architettonico e urbano, Laterza, Bari, 1 ed. 2009. Paolo Clini, Il Rilievo dellÂ’Architettura, metodi, tecniche ed esperienze, Firenze, Alinea editrice, 2008; Paolo Clini (a cura di), Documentare l'Architettura storica, Arcane editrice, Roma, 2011

  • Ingegneria Edile-Architettura (Corso di Laurea Magistrale con Riconoscimento Europeo (DM 270/04))

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