Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Cantieri Edili
Construction site management
Alessandro Carbonari

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 12
Hours 96
Period II
Language ENG

Knowledge of the typical layout of buildings and of the performances to which their components and sub-systems should comply.

Learning outcomes
This course will address the operational issues and methodologies related to the development of shop drawings and to the surveying of the execution phase. With specific reference to specific construction scenarios, this course will look into technical, legislation and operational issues in charge of site engineers and either constructors’ or general contractors’ staff. The course will transfer to students the skills needed to manage the execution of construction works, and to coordinate and cooperate with related professionals and colleagues when involved in complex construction works.
This course will address the development of the detailed plans and specifications into shop drawings and fabrication and construction schemes in charge of constructors, besides controlling the transposition of design requirements within the technical solutions.
Students will develop the skills necessary to assess the consequences deriving from the management of complex situations, that includes even the effect on safety management determined by the adoption of a set of construction processes and techniques. Moreover, students will develop skills useful for efficiently cooperate with other technicians, not only regarding job site management, but even technical issues in general.

Project contributors and basic requirements for construction site supervision. Roles, responsibilities, authority and relationships among project participants. The phases of construction projects, relevant legislation, technical standards and regulations (including health and safety). The outline of documents to be used on construction sites. Development of detailed plans and specifications for shop drawings, fabrication and construction schemes. Methodologies, calculation and technical information to evaluate the construction project's degree of compliance with its detailed design. Basics of activity and schedule management. Site layouting and control, supervision and operational issues. More specifically, layout planning and organization, site labor relations and control, documentation and record keeping at the construction site, site quality control, model for the assessment of the performance of building components, waste and supply management. Established and state-of-the-art operational issues and procedures for the erection of the most popular types of sub-systems typically used in buildings, according to technical and safety constraints.

Development of the examination
The evalutaion will be carried out by means of one written test and one verbal examination. The written test is aimed at checking students' ability to supervise simulated scenarios concerning the execution phase of buildings, and their knowledge of the basics of supervision. The verbal examination will assess students' ability to report the topics of the course and tailor general methodologies to the management of real scenarios.

In the written test students are required to show their knowledge and capabilities to apply the models and methods for control of the performances of building components, supervision and programming of the construction site. In the verbal examination students are required to show their capabilities to sum up and clearly report the topics of the course, and to apply general methodologies for the management of simulated scenarios.

In the written test students are evaluated according to the capability of autonomously dealing with scenarios regarding programming and supervision of construction sites, and according to their knowledge of legislation and basics of site supervision. In the verbal examination students will be evaluated according to their ability to sum up and clearly explain the topics of the course, and to apply the basic methodologies to real scenarios of site supervision.

The top score with compliments will be awarded to those students who have an excellent knowledge of legislation and basics of site supervision, who can autonomously apply models and methods for the supervision and programming of the execution phase. The border line will be awarded to those students who have a good knowledge of legislation and basics of site supervision, and who can manage standard scenarios relative to programming and site supervision.

Recommended reading
P. G. Bardelli, S. Coppo (2010) “Il cantiere edile“, Dario Flaccovio Editore, ISBN: 978-88-579-0013-1. William R. Mincks and Hal Johnston (2011) “Construction Jobsite Management“, ed. Cengage Learning, 3rd edition, ISBN-13: 9781439080443/ISBN-10: 1439080445. Flaviano Parise (2009) “Il progetto cantierabile“, FrancoAngeli ed, ISBN: 978-88-568-1677-8 . Lecture nots that students can download from the Moodle webpage.

  • Ingegneria Edile (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427