Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Scienza delle Costruzioni (MECC) (A/L)
Structural mechanics
Stefano Lenci

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG

Knowledge of the basic topics of analysis (limit, derivative, integral, resolution of ordinary differetial equations, etc.), of linear algebra (matrixes, Rouche-Capelli theorem, eigenvalues problem, etc.) and physics (force, work, etc.)

Learning outcomes
The course allows students to get sufficient depth knowledge of structural mechanics, covering structures made from any material and any size. The basic knowledge of mechanics of solids will be given, which are necessary for mechanical design and for the study of the behavior of machines and mechanisms, as well as the foundation for the determination of the stress and strain fields in 3D bodies, of internal forces in structures made by beams, and for the safety checks. Such knowledge, which provide some of the basic concepts for a basic engineering education in the industrial field, are of direct practical utility and needed mechanical design, applied mechanics and mechanical technology courses, will provide the student with the typical mechanical engineer background.
The expertise obtained by the students will provide students the ability to address standard design problems, applying mathematical methods to model, analyze and solve engineering problems, to carry out analysis and design of machine parts or simple mechanical systems and to settle the elastic problem for the determination of stress and strain field in any 3D body. The student will know how to correctly interpret the causes of structural behaviors that are commonly addressed in engineering practice. This ability will be obtained through a series of specific skills, such as: 1. the ability to determine the stress field which is generated inside the structures, 3D bodies and well as statically determined and statically undetermined structures, as a result of static loads and distortions; 2. the ability to determine the strain field; 3. the ability to assess whether the material is capable of withstanding the stress field that is generated by external loads
The skills acquired during the course will then be applied and further developed in the courses of mechanical design, applied mechanics and mechanical technology, thus promoting cross-disciplinary learning. The knowledge will also be useful for solving problems not typical of mechanical engineering, for example transverse to other branches of engineering.

1. Kinematics of rigid bodies 2. Statics of rigid bodies 3. Geometry and statics of beams 4. Principle of Virtual Works for rigid bodies 5. Centroid, area, moments of inertia 6. Kinematics of deformable bodies 7. Statics of deformable bodies 8. Constitutive relations 9. The De Saint-Venant problem and the technical theory of beams 10. Principle of Virtual Works for deformable bodies 11. Yield criteria

Development of the examination
The learing evaluation will be done in two steps: - a written examination, where the students are asked to solve exercises related to the topic of the lectures; - an interview (oral examination) which will involve all the topics discussed during the lectures, including exercised aimed at checking the application of the general theory.

To get a positive evalution, the candidate must: - show that he/she understood the topics developed in the lectures; - be able to elaborate the previous concepts in order to solve simple problems of structural engineering, including the understanding of various mechanical behaviours; - be able to understand stresses and deformations which develops within a structure; - be able to determine stresses in beams, to perform safety checks, to solve simple structures from statics and kinematics points of view.

The final evaluation, expressed by a number from 0 to 30 (positive evaluation from 18 to 30), will reflect: - the level of general knowledge of the student; - the capacity of the student to elaborate the general concepts, and his/her skills in applyin them to basic structural problems typical of the mechanical engineering.

In the written examination the minimum sufficient score (18/30) is obtained when, although not having solved exhaustively all exercises, the student shows to be able to solve statically undetermined structures and to draw the graphs of the internal actions. The maximum score (30/30) is obtain when all exercises are fully and correctly solved. Getting the 18/30 in the written examination is necessary to be admitted to the oral examination. In the oral examination the minimum sufficient score (18/30) is for students that show the understanding of the basic concepts illustrated during the lecturers. The mark will increase as much as the student will show a deep knowledge and his/her ability to elaborate these concepts. The maximum score (30/30) is obtained with a deep knowledge of all the topics and with the ability to apply them to real cases or to exercises proposed by the examinator. To get a positive evaluation, the student must get a minimum sufficient score also in the oral examination. The final mark will be a weighted average of the marks obtained in the written (weight 0.25) and oral (weight 0.75) examinations. The "summa cum laude" is for students that, having obtained maximum marks in both written and oral examination, show special cleverness during the interview.

Recommended reading
Comi, Corradi dell'Acqua, “Introduzione alla Meccanica Strutturale”, McGraw-Hill Lenci, “Lezioni di Meccanica Strutturale”, Pitagora Menditto, “Lezioni di Scienza delle Costruzioni”, Pitagora

  • Ingegneria Meccanica (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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