Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Gestione e Manutenzione delle Pavimentazioni Stradali
Maintenance and management of road pavements
Francesco Canestrari

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG

Basic knowledge of road pavement construction

Learning outcomes
The course aims at providing the understanding of both theoretical methods and practical applications to plan management and maintenance activities related to road infrastructures. In particular, the actual need of studying a proper management process of road networks is highlighted in order to achieve the optimal cost-benefit balance.
The course will provide to the students specific abilities to analyze the main distresses typical of flexible pavements and select the most appropriate rehabilitation technique. Lectures and a group work planning practice will be given to students in order to transfer the required knowledge.
The acquired analytical and methodological skills along with a critical approach on the topics will aim at improving the level of independence in judgment, the communication ability and the learning skills, which are aspects helpful for solving issues common to the Civil and Environmental Engineering framework.

Maintenance management. Pavement survey and analysis of work requirements. Bearing Capacity. Falling Weight Deflectometer FWD. Benkelman beam. Skid resistance. Road surface texture: definitions and measurements. International Friction Index (IFI). Longitudinal road profile measuraments. Basic concepts of signal analysis. International Roughness Index (IRI). Acoustic outlines. Road pavement traffic noise. Technological solutions for traffic noise reduction. Noise properties of road pavements. Low noise pavement materials (low emitting and/or sound-absorbing). Distress definitions for flexible pavements. Cracking. Distorsion. Disintegration. Skid hazard. Pavement Condition Index PCI. Constructive and functional aspects of road marking materials. Road applications of bituminous emulsions. Pavement reinforcement systems. Flexible Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation techniques.

Development of the examination
the learning evaluation consists of an oral exam composed of two parts: - evaluation of the knowledge necessary for preparing the practice exercise (carried out as working group of at most 4 students); - discussion of topics covered in class focused on flexible pavement maintenance and rehabilitation techniques.

A positive score in the first part of the oral exam (practice exercise) is mandatory in order to access to the second part focused on the discussion of topics covered in class. In the case of a negative score in the oral examination, the student has to repeat again both parts of the exam. In order to pass positively the examinations, the student needs to prove a complete understanding of the topics covered in class and to have learned the criteria for the visual identification and the measurements of pavement distresses, as well as further alternative maintenance and rehabilitation techniques.

During the oral exam, the student understanding of engineering fundamentals which constitute the basis of the topics covered in class is evaluated, as well as the student ability to appropriately use equipments, models and technologies adopted for road pavements.

the final score is assigned out of 30. In order to pass the exam with a minimum score (18/30), the student needs to know sufficiently each topic covered in class. Higher score will be assigned based on the general and specific skills demonstrated by the student. The maximum score (30/30) will be achieved by proving an extensive knowledge of the topics covered in class. The score “cum laude“ will be assigned to students who, having achieved the maximum score, will prove a strong competence on the subject as well as brilliance in the oral presentation.

Recommended reading
Santagata, Bocci, Canestrari, Cardone, Ferrotti, Graziani, Virgili, et al. “Strade - Teoria e Tecnica delle Costruzioni Stradali“, Ed. Pearson. Slides available on the professor's webpage inside “Allegati - download“ menu (downloading through password provided by the professor).

  • Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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