Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Ingegneria Costiera
Coastal Engineering
Carlo Lorenzoni

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG

Subjects of mathematics, physics, chemistry, geometry, hydraulics geotechnics, on the building materials and on graphic plots.

Learning outcomes
The course allows the students to acquire the knowledge and the understanding ability of methods and applications for the conception, the interpretation and the analysis of the typical problems of the Coastal and of the Maritime Engineering. The course also aims at providing the students a vocational training capable of identifying, formulating and solving the main practical problems on the typical topics of the Coastal and of the Maritime Engineering.
To the aim of facing advanced planning and applicative themes, the student will have to acquire capabilities of design and critical analysis for the practical problems typical of the Coastal and Maritime Engineering. Such capabilities will be expressed through the ability to solve applicative problems of the Coastal and Maritime Engineering, with specific reference to the identification of the wave attack features on the maritime structures. The ability to apply the acquired knowledge will be assessed through an oral exam.
The implementation of exercise works of solving practical problems on the Coastal and Maritime Engineering, that will be carried out singularly or grouped, with a report writing, will contribute to improve both the level of the general judgement autonomy and the communication ability bound to the group work, and finally the independent learning ability and leading to conclusions of the student.

Maritime environment. Winds, waves and currents. Wind wave hindcast. Linear wave theory development and engineering properties of these waves. Wave propagation from deep waters towards the shore. Outlines of non-linear waves and of waves in nature. Outlines of wave statistics of short and long period. Typical harbour structure placements. Types and design outlines of external and inner structures of maritime harbours. Outlines of main marine dock furnitures, means of transport and for transshipment of the harbour merchandises. Outlines of realization of maritime works, of construction materials, of work equipments and of dredging operations. Outlines of littoral dynamics and of coastal protection systems. Outlines of off-shore structures. Outlines of physical models for maritime and coastal engineering.

Development of the examination
The exam consists in an oral test and in the discussion of the individual exercise work that the candidate presents for the exam. The oral test consists in some questions requested to the candidate about the topics of the course. The individual exercise work consists in resolving some applying practices about the topics of the course, proposed during the lessons and autonomously carried out by the candidate.

The positive result of the exam is proved if the candidate shows, by means of the previously described tests, to have well understood the topics proposed during the lessons and to be able to apply autonomously and accurately the methods, the procedures and the models tipycal of the coastal engineering.

Assignment of the final grade in thirtiethes.

If the candidate obtains at least the pass grade for both the oral test questions and the individual exercise work and in describing the applyied methods, he reaches a positive final evaluation. Maximum evaluation is reached when the candidate shows a deep and complete knowledge of the topics of the course. The praise is reserved to those candidates that carry out exactly and completely their oral test and individual exercise work and that distinguish themselves for them special excellence both for the oral presentation and for the editing of their individual exercise work.

Recommended reading
Dean R.G., Dalrymple R.A. “Water Wave Mechanics for Engineers and Scientists“, World Scientific, 1991. Matteotti G., “Lineamenti di costruzioni marittime”, Servizi grafici editoriali, Padova, 2001. US Army Corps of Engineers, “Coastal Engineering Manual”, CERC, Vicksburg, Mississipi, 2002. Partial notes of the course lessons are available at the copy service.

  • Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
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