Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Eva Savina Malinverni

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period I
Language ENG


Learning outcomes
The course gives basic skills of Geodesy and Mapping (analytical, numerical and thematic) to organize and manage the information about the environment in a GIS. Surveying techniques, methods, instruments are presented with the statistical treatment of the measures, pointing out laser scanner technology, digital photogrammetry and remote sensing.

The course includes elements of Geodesy and Cartography, analytical and numerical, and some aspects of GIS. The surveying techniques, methods, instruments are presented with the statistical treatment of the measures, pointing out laser scanner technologies, digital photogrammetry and remote sensing. The syllabus includes these topics. Geodesy and Cartography The surface datum: geoid, ellipsoid, their differences. The coordinate systems. Geodetic elements of these surfaces: meridians and parallels. The cartographic representations. The Italian Official Cartography. Numerical cartography. The Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Surveying Planimetrical Surveying. Measures of angles and distances. Instruments. Schemes of measure: triangulations, intersections, space resections, traverses. Geodetic networks by IGM. Reduction and insertion of the measures in the map of Gauss. Altimetrical Surveying. Geometric and trigonometric levelling. The national heigh network. Equations of the direct measures and the processing of the network. The system of global survey GPS (Global Positioning System). The laser scanning. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing The analytical-geometrical espressions. The acquisition of the images, their orientation and the graphical and numerical restitution. The digital products: orthoimages and DEM. The data acquired by the satellite sensor and processed by remote sensing techniques to produce thematic Land Use Land Cover maps. Treatment of the measures Statistic variables. Monodimensional and multi-dimensional distributions . Normal distribution of Gauss and normalization. Theory of the connection, regression and correlation. Parametric and distribution free tests, test of the sigma zero. Propagation of the variances-covariances. Least square adjustment using the indirect measurements.

Development of the examination
The evaluation of the learning level of the student consists in two written tests: - one written test, related to the topics of the treatment of the measurements, to complete in two hours. Books or other texts are allowed. - another written test, made of thirty questions with multiple answers or free, that interests every topic of the course program. It takes fifty minutes. No books or other tools are allowed. The negative result of one of the tests doesn’t invalidate the other test already passed in positive way. The positive assessment of both tests allows the admission to the oral test, that consists in the discussion on one or more topics showed in the class. In case of negative result of the oral test, the student must not repeat the test on treatment of the measurements

To pass in positive way the exam the student must prove, by means of the two written tests and the oral test, to have well learned the concepts exposed in the class. Each written test weighs 50% on the learning assessment and on the final mark. The treatment of the measurements solved in an unique solution obtains the sufficiency when the principal keys are correct. The questionnaire, which interests the program discussed during the class, must have at least a score equal to 18/30, to pass the exam. The average of the two test evaluations admits to the oral one. To overcome with positive result the oral test, the student must show to have a general knowledge of the contents, sufficiently exposed in correct way with use of suitable technical terminology. The maximum evaluation will be achieved showing a deep knowledge, exposed with complete and accurate use of the technical language.

The mark of the treatment of the measurement test provides the 50% of the final assessment but the exam is not fully passed until the questionnaire, that concerns on all the matters of the course program, is solved in positive way. The oral examination can improve the final score.

To pass the exam in positive way, the student must achieve at least the sufficiency, equal to eighteen points, in each of the tests before described and solve the oral exam. The maximum evaluation is reached showing a deep knowledge of the topics discussed during the course and the top marks is obtained performing each of the tests and the oral examination in correct and complete way.

Recommended reading
G. Folloni, “Topografia” ed. Patron, Bologna G. Fangi, “Note di fotogrammetria”, ed. Clua, Ancona. Slides and digital books related to the lessons of the course (Clua-typing office inside to the University)

  • Ingegneria Edile (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))
  • Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

Università Politecnica delle Marche
P.zza Roma 22, 60121 Ancona
Tel (+39) 071.220.1, Fax (+39) 071.220.2324
P.I. 00382520427