Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Controlli Automatici
Automatic Control
Giuseppe Orlando

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG

Elements of Linear Algebra and Calculus, Differential Equations, Laplace Transform, Linear Time Invariant Systems.

Learning outcomes
The course enables students to acquire knowledge and skills on the analysis and synthesis of linear feedback control systems. This knowledge will complete  what has been already learnt in the Fundamentals of Automatics, and will enable students to increase their expertise in the study and synthesis of automatic systems for various applications , thus allowing them to acquire a greater awareness of the multidisciplinary nature of engineering
The student will be able to deal with topics of automated systems synthesis, in different application contexts and with often conflicting specifications, and to select the architecture which best fits the particular problem of control. This ability will appear through a series of professional skills, such as: 1. the ability to classify the design requirements; 2. the ability to choose the most suitable synthesis methodology; 3. the ability to appropriately evaluate system  performances; 4. the ability to critically analyze experimental data , working in teams with other elements involved in the study of the problem
The execution of an exercise in solving a control problem , made in the classroom with the help of CAD tools , will help  to improve both the level of the student's independent judgment , both his ability to learn iindependently, both the communication capacity that results from the interaction with the others

Fundamentals on analysis and design of automatic control systems for linear plants. Characteristics and performance of feedback control systems. Frequency response and root locus design techniques for SISO feedback systems. PID industrial compensators. Digital control systems.

Development of the examination
The assessment of student learning consists of a written test and an oral test. The written test consists in solving two problems of analysis and / or synthesis related to the feedback control systems. The oral exam consists of answering two of the topics covered in the course and, for organizational reasons, it can be carried out on the same day of the written test, or in the immediately following days. In any case, the oral exam must be taken in the same exam session of the written test. In the event that the overall assessment is insufficient, the student must repeat the exam entirely.

To successfully pass the assessment of learning, the student must first have a competence of all the mathematical tools needed to understand the topics covered in the course. He must also know the basic structure of feedback control systems and the properties that these systems should possess. Finally, he must be able to analyze and to synthesize a feedback control system, using the tools learnt in the course, both from a theoretical point of view, showing that he has understood in depth all the topics studied, and from a practical point, showing to be able to solve examples and exercises on the analysis and synthesis of these systems.

The written test and each of the two oral questions are graded by a score between zero and thirty. The overall evaluation is the average grade of the three scores and is marked out of thirty. In order to be admitted to the oral examination, the student should have obtained an assessment equal or more than twelve out of thirty.

In order to have a positive evaluation, the student must achieve an overall score of at least eighteen, with the constraint that in each of the two oral questions the evaluation must be at least eighteen. In order to be admitted to the oral examination, the student should have obtained an assessment equal or more than twelve out of thirty. Full marks cum laude are given to students who have achieved the highest rating in the written test and in the oral exam, and have shown a particular brilliance.

Recommended reading
A. Isidori, “Sistemi di Controllo“, Siderea, Roma. M.L. Corradini, G. Orlando, “Fondamenti di Automatica“, Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, 2002. M.L. Corradini, G. Orlando, “Controllo Digitale di Sistemi Dinamici“, Franco Angeti, Milano, 2005.

  • Ingegneria Informatica e dell'Automazione (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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