Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Elettromagnetismo per la Trasmissione dell'Informazione
Electromagnetics for Information Transmission
Marco Farina

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2015/2016
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG

It is assumed that the student be familiar with vector algebra and some basics of Mathematical Analysis, as well as knowledge of main properties of complex numbers. The student is also required to have followed the two main courses in Physics

Learning outcomes
Provide students with the tools necessary to understand the theory of electromagnetism, and apply them to some important cases, with particular reference to the concepts commonly used in telecommunication engineering.

Electrostatics and Magnetostatics in differential equations: solution techniques Electrodynamics and Maxwell's equations Transmission lines and guided propagation Metal and dielectric waveguides Radiation phenomena: open space propagation and antennas

Development of the examination
Assessment of student learning is performed through two tests: a written test and an oral test. Students must pass the written test with a mark of at least 18/30 in order to attend the oral test. The oral exam can be done on the same day of the written test or, alternatively, in the subsequent days , or on further dates agreed with the teacher , within one year from the positive written test. In case of fail in the oral test, it is not necessary to repeat the written test. Not passing an exam does not affect the registration to the following exam. Possible exceptions to this rule will be explicitly stated during the exam. Submitting a test does not invalidate existing written tests (during the oral exam, the student must indicate which one of the documents should be evaluated ). The written test usually consists of 5 exercises, each worth 6/30, to be carried out in two hours. The students keep a personal copy of the test being performed after the delivery of the elaborate. At the end of the test, the teacher makes available the solution on a website accessible from the main page of the university www.univpm.it, according to which students can proceed to their own evaluation, or to a preliminary assessment of the achievement of sufficiency. Only those who have reached 18/30 in the self-evaluation may undergo oral test. The oral exam consists of two parts: the first discusses the written test and verifies the validity of the self-evaluation, and in the second we proceed to the discussion of some of the topics covered during the course. The number of topics is not fixed, but is a function of the behavior in the oral examination.

In order to successfully pass the exam, the student must demonstrate mastery of the concepts introduced in the course; the written test is aimed to verify the ability to solve problems by the methods introduced during the course. In the oral examination, the student must demonstrate that he/she is are able to introduce, to derive, to argue, show and to link relationships and theories related to electromagnetism and its applications, with particular emphasis on applications in the domain of information

The exam is performed in order to assess: 1) the efforts made by the student in the preparation of the exam 2) what the student has learned, and what actually understood 3) student's ability to develop its own considerations and criticisms of the concepts studied and the skills to use them independently, applying to issues not explicitly covered in the course 4) the possible impact of particular personal circumstances (emotional, communication and learning problems).

averages between the results of the written test and of the oral test are NOT made, since the two tests measure two different aspects ( applicative in the written test and theoretical in the oral test ). While in theory one can aspire to the highest final mark starting with a written test just sufficient , the oral exam is highly dependent on the evaluation obtained in the written test; the oral exam is devoted , in this case, to determine the causes that have produced errors in the written test . The final assessment is therefore based on the application of the measurement criteria described in the ”Learning Measurement Criteria ” to the whole set of the written and oral test. The use of the learning measurement criterion 1 ) enables to establish a rating between 0 and 20; criterion 2) , obviously if criterion 1) is satisfied, allows to rate the student between 20 and 28), while criterion 3 ) allows to assign marks between 28 and 30. All ratings are weighted by the criterion 4 ), according to which the duration of the examination may vary greatly. Those who have been shown to meet the criteria 3) , and who show a very clear mastery of the concepts

Recommended reading
Ramo-Whinnery-Van Duzer, Campi e Onde nell’elettronica per le comunicazioni, Franco Angeli R. Feynman, La Fisica di Feynman- elettromagnetismo e materia (vol 2), Zanichelli;

  • Ingegneria Informatica e dell'Automazione (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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