Facoltà di Ingegneria - Guida degli insegnamenti (Syllabus)


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Tecnologia dei Materiali da Costruzione
Technology of Building Materials
Saveria Monosi

Seat Ingegneria
A.A. 2016/2017
Credits 9
Hours 72
Period II
Language ENG

Knowledge, even if not deep, of chemistry and solid state physics.

Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to supply knowledges on traditional materials, as concrete, steel, masonry and innovative materials as fiber reinforced polymers and other types largely used in building construction.These materials are addressed to produce new constructions and to recovery existing building heritage. The matter is to increase the critical capacity in order to issue diagnosis and to select interventions, without losing sight of the sustainability of choices.
Students have to connect knowledge of the structure to mechanical properties and durability of the materials. Students achieve positive results if they are able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the contents and to use them to solve problems related to material properties and sustainable development. The knowledge acquired must be correctly exhibited by using appropriate technical terms.
Critical capability, achieved by means “problem solving” exercises, have to be demonstrated by written examination and oral short exposition of several themes; in addition, the skill of learning and judgment and the communication ability, suitable to work in team, must be shown.

Building materials: an outline of production technologies. Durability and deterioration of building materials and their rehabilitation opportunities. Air setting and hydraulic binders; their historical development. Concrete: cement, aggregates and admixtures. Concrete at early ages: workability, compacting factor. Hardened concrete: curing conditions, mechanical properties and durability (EU standard classification). Ceramic materials: stones and bricks for buildings. Modern and ancient masonry: role of water as deterioration agent of porous solids; materials for restoration. Wood for buildings: timber structure, mechanical properties and durability; treatments of maintenance and/or restoration. Steel for structural use and metal alloys in relation to their use in buildings. Metals and environments: corrosion and a short account about protection methods. Polymers in buildings: mechanical and physical properties together with ageing. Exercices(12): Computing mix proportions for some widely used concrete. Concrete manufacturing in materials laboratory; compressive and bending tests on concrete specimens and tensile test on steel specimens.

Development of the examination
The assessment of learning will take place by means of a written test consisting of one or two exercises of ”mix design” and questions about the topics covered during the lessons, aimed at verifying the correct learning and understanding of the transferred knowledge. The instructor reserves the right to perform any additional oral evidence.”

The student will demonstrate the ability to connect knowledge on the structure , mechanical properties and durability of materials. To successfully pass the written test and the oral test, if necessary, the student will demonstrate a general knowledge of the contents, exposed correctly with the use of proper technical terminology . The highest rating is achieved by demonstrating a thorough understanding of the content and being able to use that knowledge to solve problems related to the relationship between structure and properties of the material.

The vote will be attributed to adding the evaluation of the written test and the the oral examination. The student will be able to achieve up to a maximum of 30 marks in the written test. The oral test consists of two or three questions, can confirm the grade obtained with the written test or could lead to a positive change or negative. The praise will be given to students who, having achieved the highest rating, have demonstrated full mastery of the subject

Awarding of the final mark into thirtieths

Recommended reading
G.D Taylor, Materials in Construction. Principles, Practise and Performance, Pearson Longmann; M. Collepardi, Il Nuovo Calcestruzzo, Tintoretto, Villorba (TV); L. Bertolini, Materiali da costruzione, CittàStudi edizioni AIMAT; Manuale dei materiali per l’ingegneria, McGraw Hill, Italia, Milano, 1996.

  • Ingegneria Edile (Corso di Laurea Triennale (DM 270/04))

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